Thursday, October 21, 2010

Manifest A New Earth Naturally

I share about the ancient dreamtime, or cosmic fragmentation, within the Psyche of Man (all that turned--off DNA that is flipping back on) that is shared in spiritual traditions worldwide. The fragmentation that occurred within our cosmic mind caused us to fall into a deep sleep regarding our True State of Divine Radiance and Oneness with the Absolute and the Unified Source Field. In our dreamtime state, we do not fully perceive our Radiance and the astonishing wonders we are immersed within. More and more are awakening to this recognition, and to some of the wonders!

I have been motivated to write this peace because what follows cannot be stated and re-stated often enough until the end of pain and suffering for all beings. It is written in deep love and passion for the Divine Radiance we all are, and that is sometimes over looked as we navigate the full-minded state. A prayer is that we feel our Divine Radiance oscillating within us for at least three minutes, three times a day. Here’s what is on my heart to share this day.

There is a deep confusion that lives in our mind that we are alone, broken and unworthy. There lives also a deep belief that we are fundamentally capable of fear, hate, shame, guilt and blame, and all those pesky unpeaceful states that feel so downright real! The fear, hate, shame, guilt and blame in our mind, this dissonance, has never been true, except as our dreamtime experience. Though, Holy Bananas and Purple Monkeys, we sure have manifested lots and lots of ways and means to attempt to prove such is accurate when it is not accurate at all, except, again, within dreamtimes.

In Truth, we are only whole, only perfect, only unspeakably cherished as One Divine Radiant Light of Being, capable of only the most radiant and conscious creations, where all thrive knowing all are fundamentally One. This is fact. (Don’t believe me, oh no! If you’re intrigued, ask your heart and research spiritual teachings throughout the ages. Look deeply. It’s there.)

Another misconception is that we are supposed to be creating a new earth (or a new anything). Bear with me here. I am not being critical of any idea or any one, I can assure you! Oh no! We ARE creating a new earth and lots of dreamtime some things all the time! Such light is contained with this fact! Supposed to be is what we are focusing on here. It is far a more subtle awareness of intention that is only incidentally related to a new earth. Awakened teachers know what is meant, yet the messages are being heard by a terrified sleeping psyche, which we all have, that naturally attaches to past and forward-thinking concepts that feel “doable” or “comfortable” and “familiar,” like supposed to be, even though all we really want is to wake up from stress, not feeling safe and sensations of lack.

Our mind is actually scared, unspeakably terrified actually, to wake up because it can’t remember what “awake” is like. This is why we’re looking at all those supposed to be’s. Yep. As weird as it sounds, our existential terror is accurate. How so? Our mind knows innately being awake is nothing like what it is presently being experienced, yet because our mind is so convinced this world is reality rather than a dreamtime, it’s far more terrified of “awake”/Home/God/Our True Nature/Our Divine Radiance than it is of hanging out in what feels like at least a supposed to be somewhat known, and where systems exist that are at least supposed to be nominally functional for mitigating our internal existential terror.

We sure have done a doosey job of convincing ourselves the Absolute isn’t a safe place and that hell is real, and then setting out systems to mitigate this oscillating angst. (Surely, hells and dark nights of the soul feel stunningly real, just like our own bodies. We experience what we focus on. This is fact. This is science.). Such is why we are taking what looks like a lot of time to wake up—so we don’t scare our already freaked out psyche into a more deeply veiled state.

A new earth is always here and is always arriving naturally! No supposed to be’s about it. The new earth feels really good or feels yucky based on what we are believing within our very own mind. As we are loving and peaceful (or believing the opposite is possible) the external world reflects it. It the quantum science of creation. What we believe, we receive. We are, quite literally, walking around in, flowing by and bumping into our past collective focus. This is fact. And it’s really cool to think we are that powerful! The only difficulty is the suffering piece. (This is why I write and teach. Not to disregard powerful, enlightened ways of being and creating in this dreamworld.)

If awakening our partly shut down awareness (all the turned-off DNA) is our objective, it is helpful to ponder the value of trusting peace in this moment or trusting the dissonance, the fears that come up within that often lead to focusing on stories that disempower everyone to feel into the Divine Radiance.

The Truth all Great Ones teach is that there is no world. But this is not taught to frighten us or to upset it. It is simply stating a fact. Yet were are here, and the Great Ones share that this is perfect and fine! We are allowed to dream any dream. We are truly free. It is the suffering that the Great Ones seek to assist alleviating. To accomplish the end of suffering, the Great Ones encourage being peace, and allowing the world and our lives to flow peacefully and naturally, listening for our inner heart song, which will always guide us well and true within the dreamtime.

The world we conceive of is illusion. This is great news! It means what we truly are, Divine Radiance, cannot be harmed. We can only experience the illusion of harm if we want to, and we are all choosing to each time we belief and act upon the fear/shame/guilt/blame dissonance in our dreaming mind. We can always choose again to remember our Divine Radiance and ask our True Nature to help us remember what we are cannot truly be harmed. As we listen within for the peace this Truth offers us, we are enlightening our mind.

We can chose the Truth of peace within our illusion. In this way, a peaceful illusion ensues, or we can choose the Illusion of Not Peace and an unpeaceful illusion ensues. It is always our choice. The illusion shifts as changes as our being shifts and changes. The world is literally, factually, scientifically, a manifestation of a Divine Mind that is presently in a state of shifting and changing. The less attached we are to the world and how it appears, and the more loving and supportive of self and each other we become, the more we wake up to the Truth that we are Divine Radiance that used to be having a dream of not being Divine Radiance. Voila, a new earth! And, oh so much more!

The Shining Ones know that within the Absolute all is well. Having earth-agendas, or any other agenda, in our personal lives, families, communities and globally, that has a scale of success/failure or trying because something is wrong in our sleeping state is a misunderstanding within the sleeping mind. There is no judgment in Heaven for misunderstandings within dreams. There is only legion upon legion of Absolutely Shining Ones on call at our slightest invitation to remind us of our Divine Radiance. Awakening to this fact occurs naturally, as we surrender to our Inner Light, and naturally ends all belief in agendas of right/wrong/good/bad and all pain and suffering for all time.

As we surrender to our Inner Light, the Absolute Love within, all the while delightfully slowing down and paying gentle attention (holding presence) within our lives and relations with each other, we are naturally waking up. Each moment of peace causes a new earth to emerge.

We are encouraging ourselves – through the veils in our mind – to activate our heart’s intelligence, our High Awareness our Divine Radiance, to be deeply respectful towards self and each other, knowing that all our doing the very best we can with what we know, and that when we don’t feel like we’re doing our best, we’re simply feeling the existential terror and guilt about having this existential terror – that came about during the instant of cosmic fragmentation. Now we’re trying to hide out from ourselves and everyone. And it’s made us sick (not really, but in a dreamtime that feels very real, we feel sick at heart and a whole lot more). Increasingly we are getting it. We are all re-cognizing the value in approaching our moments in simplicity and being naturally honoring and respectful of everyone, including ourselves. (Spaceship Earth passengers please apply the Divine Radiance oxygen mask to your own oscillating nose and face before assisting others.) A respectful act may be to walk away from something that feels dishonoring, yet holding an inner peace, knowing that all parties are equally Divinely Radiance. We depart in peace. Peace be with you. Peace be with me. In Truth, Peace is you. Peace is me. This is fact. Anything that suggests otherwise is a dream remnant. Focusing on peace, to Know Thyself, to focus on our Inner Light and the Inner Light of all is a fast path to awakening from our sleeping state. It is the oscillating science of the Absolute.

Listening deeply to our own hearts and the hearts of those around us naturally attunes our antenna to higher states of awareness and is awakening the Psyche of Man, and our perception mechanisms are enlivened in this way. We naturally attune to higher states of awareness and information when we are presence within a moment, transcendent of human agenda. As we hold honoring spaces, creative insight flows into our awareness and we naturally create more healthy circumstances and flexible structure for all. Our ways of being are more cartilage-like than bone, though even bone is a living, malleable, exquisitely self-correcting organism!

As we keep such a focus within our awareness in our moments, when we feel an upset within (a sensation of dissonance that may or may not have a story attached to it), we quickly come to see that the sensation and the story is related to fear in the mind. There is no fault regarding this dissonance (though our mind may have a fully different idea). The enlightening adept simply looks within to see how we might be helpful to self or another in an empowering way – in a Divine Radiance exposing way for all - rather than in a disempowering way that feels the inner dissonance of fear, shame, guilt or blame. Our guidance for how to be most helpful for self or other will be an individual knowing for each of us regarding any particular worldly circumstance. If someone is screaming at or slapping a baby or a grown-up, unless our own safety is deeply in question and even if it is, we will likely intervene, yet, we are holding a peaceful space, knowing that this individual isn’t seeing their own Divine Radiance, so they are not seeing it within the child.

As we listen within, we naturally become more helpful in the world and a new earth naturally arises, where all feel more at peace and naturally abundant. In this way, we are what A Course in Miracles calls natural miracle workers. Miracles are natural. They are our True State. Lack and discomfort of any kind is impossible except within dreamtimes. We simply do not allow powerfully into our awareness perceptions of anything less than the Divine Radiance of all. (Note: most who are in the veiled mind state, may have uncomfortable thoughts float in and out of awareness, we simply train our mind to pay them not attention. For modeling, we can look to Great Ones like Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha, Mother Theresa, people we know in our own lives…our models of peace to assist us as symbols for our own practice of trusting that only our Divine Radiance is real.)

Always, a new earth is exactly what we are receiving in the scheme of the oscillating motion of deeply-felt thoughts (quantum Source-power) that manifest creations. To focus on what earth or any circumstance should be like and should not be like (past/future thinking) keeps the mind feeling “wrong” and “bad.” We remain in the guilt, shame, fear and blame cycle. It is a fact, and there is no judgment is this. There is no judgment in anything except our own mind. Our ego-fear-mind (psyche) always tries to bolster us at the same time it is tearing us down. For example, we may be thinking, “This is great. I feel really good because I recycle and am helping to set up a recycling program at my child’s school.” Then we go to the coffee shop and forgot our own cup and decide we still want that coffee, so we use a paper cup. There is no real judgment in this choice, except within our own mind. Some of us might feel a niggling sensation of guilt or shame or bad. We may hear thoughts such as, “Well, I don’t really have to have my coffee.” Or, “Geez, I had the cup right next to my bag walking out the door and I completely spaced picking it up.” The thoughts themselves are a Sign Post that we are in FSGB-mind (fear, shame, guilt, blame) mind. What is even more helpful is to notice that is happening below the word-thought level. Tune into the niggling felt-sense beneath the words. The felt-sense of not perfect peace, of shame, of guilt, etc. This inner oscillating dissonance, when we are not feeling our Divine Radiance, is helpful to be aware of because we are learning what to focus on. We return our focus, our willingness to know that only the Divine Radiance of all is real, even though our terrified psyche is suggesting a different story is accurate. (Oh yes, attuning into our Divine Radiance is not a sense of egoic-self-satisfaction, which is fear/veiled-mind, it is a felt-sense of deep peace, tranquility and certainty that all is well with all) If our sleeping mind telling us we are not doing enough to be perfect, it is simply mistake. We are perfect. Nothing has ever altered this fact. If our mind suggests we are stupid, or spacey, or that we are in some way not pulling our weight or up to snuff, it is simply mistaken (this is our existential terror again). If there is an inner sensation that I am alone, broken and unworthy, so “Gosh, I better try not to let anyone see the real messed-up, hypocritical me,” it is suggested I witness the loopy pattern of guilt in my momentarily terrified mind and remind myself that I am Divine Radiance. In this way I remove my mind from the “no body” wins spiral. (Note: oh yes, I am not saying to not use our re-usable cups at the coffee shop or to begin recycling programs. Oh no, no! What is being offered is to do whatever our heart sings of doing with deep love for all of life. It is that simple. In this way abundance becomes obvious. We naturally want to share with each other because it begins to dawn on us that we are each other, and more “supernatural” things seem happen in our world. We strengthen a natural desire within to be part of systems that serve everyone in our beautiful, color, rich spherical dream home. When we give gentle breaks to each other and remind self that we are all doing our best, I am more likely to make a choice that feels peaceful within me in a given moment, and to dismiss those sensations that feel dissonant as simply untrue/false and based on some old, false perception in my mind. If I feel dissonance enter my awareness, I will distract my attention from it just like we assist a child to move there attention away from distress and towards the joy in their heart. Such an endeavor is profoundly healing for us all and shifts the quantum realm causing each moment’s new earth to shine.)

It’s vital to ponder that from our sleeping state it is a confusion within our own mind to believe that we know what is best for our own awakening process, or for anyone else’s awakening process. Some of us will awaken when the earth seems a whole lot different than it is now for us. May awakened in what, from our highly limited vantage, was an ancient earth. (There is no such thing as time. All moments occur simultaneously, but this is not necessary to grasp to wake up.) The earth is always new because it is always changing. This is also why we come to recognize that no bodies, including the body of the earth is a real thing. They are temporary vehicles that serve us through our awakening process. What lies beyond our current perception are wonders far more beautiful and astonishing than we are currently perceiving, especially when we allow our minds to wander within deeply judgmental states.

If awakening to our Divine Radiance and to Holy Perception, we are wise to remain in presence, feeling into our Inner Light and the Inner Light of those around us, and to release our deeply-felt belief systems and agendas that shut out or separate us from others, who are simply our self same Divine Radiance temporarily appearing as an other. We are actors in a play. Truly. Factually. As the accuracy of such information sinks into our awareness as accurate, it is easy to behave in a gentle, honoring manner that opens us up to higher states of awareness and creative flow. In this way, we naturally sense what to focus on through our moments, our days and our lives. We naturally become a safer place for others to interact with us. We still eat, have places to live and work, and function in ways that bring us joy, we are simply less attached to how any particular moment and circumstance looks when we know we are coming from a space of deep inner peace. We know Divine Radiance has our back and that we are all doing the very best we can. We become the human angels we have always been. Sensing our angelic presence is closer to our True State of Existence, and its really wonderful to shine and to see the shine in others that has always been there. In this way, in letting go into our Inner Light, our Divine Radiance, all worlds naturally becomes more peaceful and loving healthier for all.

Thank you for your time reading an article of this nature. For more information on my style of sharing, please visit or call me at 360.319.7761. Have a glorious day feeling into your radiance and honoring the radiance of adventuring companions.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Your Divine Radiance Shines No Matter What: An Active Demonstration

Want to hear a couple of great questions? Here goes. How do we go about our days and nights shining our Divine Radiance? And, how do we hold space for others to shine theirs?...especially when we are a tiny bit or a lot weary?!

Here's a response from the wise ones! In the moment we will know...

Our Heart, Our Love, Our Divine Radiance shares with us in every moment, tenderly and in no uncertain terms...when we inquire of it. Our heart always KNOWS innately that we are only wondrous sparkling oscillating coherent light spheres of Divine Radiance. This Self-Same heart knows innately that it is interacting with other Divinely Radiant spheres of wondrous sparkling oscillating coherent light. Best of all, our heart knows that, at our Core, we are fundamentally One Oscillating Coherent Divine Light held gently within Perfect Love's Unified Source Field. While this is a colorful oscillating mouthful, it's accurate.

The crux is that here inside the dreamtime, our veiled/split-mind can get in the way of our remembering its accuracy. If you're a willing extreme adventurer, check out this simple, powerful game to explore the idea of your Divine Radiance:

Bring to mind a story where your mind tells you in no uncertain terms that you or someone you know (or don't want to know) is most assuredly NOT whole and perfect and a miracle of Life. Rest assured, your heart knows the perfect story to bring into your awareness.

Gently allow a visceral sensation of discomfort with this story to float into your awareness. Invoke your Heart's trust and deepest knowing with this next part. Feel the sensation of discomfort coming up within you, but don't believe the sensation as accurate. Just notice its presence without resisting it. Allow the sensation to be what it is, gently allow the unresisted passing of this energetic sensation through your mind and physical form. (Buddhists call this the path of non-resistance.) Be sure to not respond to the sensation by reinforcing the story in your mind, simply allow your energetic and mental experience to be what it is. Gently let go of the story and simply hold a witnessing, detached awareness of the sensation of visceral discomfort for just a few moments. Now, if you're willin', try somethin' really cool! Ask deeply and powerfully within your heart-mind for Oscillating Rainbow Light or Golden Light [or whatever color(s) of Light feel natural for you--the colors may change or stay the same] to flow into your awareness. Will yourself to let your mind go and allow this Light to make Itself known to you. (To facilitate this letting go into the Light, you may bring into your heart-mind the visceral memory of something you love deeply, for example, an exquisite sunrise, the laughter of a child dear to your heart, your favorite peaceful activity, etc.. Simply allow this visceral memory of peace and joy to flood into your awareness.) Take as long as you need with this part of the adventure. Bringing your Divine Radiance to your awareness is a natural process that occurs in your own timing as you feel comfortable. Be sure to not judge whatever experience you are having in this, or in any moment, inside the dreamtime. Ever. Trust whatever feelings arise throughout this process. There may be many sensations that come up before you find yourself letting go into your Radiance. As you are guided, let worldly memories fade and simply focus on the visceral, vibrating, oscillating sensations that come up. You may also tap on acupressure points on the body if you find this helpful and/or sway or tone during this process. Allow the frequencies of appreciation, gratitude, peace, and Love that you are experiencing vibrationally to replace all discomfort. Do not force or judge this process as it is occurring. If uncomfortable thoughts float in and out that's fine, simply let them float by as easily dismissed thoughts riding on a beautiful sailboat passing over a great crystalline sea. If resistance to this process appears, simply allow the resistance to pass through you unresisted and over the crystalline sea as a gentle wave that affects nothing. Take as long as you like surrendering to your Divine Radiance. Ff you like, swim in the visceral sensation and the Crystalline Sea for as long as you. You will naturally come out of this state when you are ready. When you have returned your consciousness to our dreamtime and are ready to carry on with the activities of your day, this is an ideal time to inquire of your Heart-Self what would be helpful for moving through today's activities. You may find yourself in an exceptional flow, unhindered by any sense of discomfort no matter what you are doing and what comes up. You are now and always helpful, peaceful and awake to Love's/Your Radiance. You can return to this practice any time you desire.


As we undertake to refine our vibrational awareness, it becomes easier to recognize that when our mind speaks to us in discomforting ways, it is simply mistaken and afraid of something we may not yet be consciously aware of. It begins to dawn on our heart that such feelings are nothing to feel badly for, or to feel guilty about, or to fear. They are natural feelings here inside the veiled-mind state. Dissonance e-motion (energy in motion) is part of the dreamtime matrix that we must willing ourselves to transcend or to awaken from by surrendering to the True peace state that lies deeper within our Still Core.

When I am feeling upset/dissonance within my field, I often bring to mind a crying child. This child is feeling the exact same energetic (dreamtime) dissonance I am feeling. A child is strikingly honest in communicating their energetic discomfort, and they are moving it through and out of their fields, rather than stuffing it or acting out in harmful as grown-ups tend to do. As a grown-up who has studied what it means to "enlighten" for a long time, I have the awareness to look my True Self, my Divine Inner help me allow the upset to pass through my mind-body unresisted and without attaching the feelings of upset to an ego or fear story, even though my ego/fear mind may be trying diligently to get me to listen to it. Such an activity of mind feels powerful at first, but if I remove my attention from the story, just as we assist a child to remove her attention from an upset, the feeling of upset quickly passes, and a great healing has just occurred with my psyche.

At first it can take a great act of will to surrender a story and return to the peace, the Radiance, within--this is why it is taking us what seem like generations to wake up or evolve. Indeed, part of our psyche is still pretty darn convinced this dreamtime of humanity is reality rather than an illusory state that veils our Truly Creative Adventures! As A Course in Miracles shares, "You would not react to the dream, if you remembered that you were dreaming." From our veiled state, we simply cannot yet see the powerful healing that takes place when we do not feed dissonant energy with our Source Radiance.

The cool thing is that trusting our Divine Radiance in all circumstances works. It's science. Such a practice cures our amnesia of the Light, even if, from our extremely limited perspective this is taking a lot of time! Persistence and a great sense of humor helps! It is true that we need to practice since we, ourselves, willed to have this extreme adventure into separation consciousness. As Perfect Love would have it, the results of our consistent (and even inconsistent!) practice becomes obvious. As we trust that only the sensations of Love, peace, joy, indeed, any uplifting frequency, are real, we cannot help but wake up! I remind myself as often as it takes that no matter how dire the circumstances appear, all dissonant emotion (energy-in-motion) is caused by an ancient choice within my psyche to Forget My True Self and Oneness with All--as an extreme adventure into amnesia to see what Love/Divine Radiance could make of it! As such, I must call consciously and viscerally (vibrationally) upon this Still Radiant Divine Core, as it will not ever interfere with my free will, the ancient decision, to be a small separate self unaware of its Divine Radiance and fundamental Unity with all Life and with Perfect Love/Source/God.

As we practice gently and peacefully moving our attention away from dissonance passing through the mind and body (the body is a neutral extension of mind that simply responds to the mind's present state, or belief, in either separation/aloneness/lack of safety or Radiance/Oneness/Eternal Safety), we are causing our veiled mind state to lift. This is the realm where miracles become obvious. A practice of this nature is called Light Working (or peacemaking, even though peace is actually nothing that needs to be created. Peace and joy is what we truly are and they exist eternally waiting for us to access them, as we tasted in the exercise above). Indeed, from within the veiled state, we cannot even imagine our True State of the Ultimate or Absolute, unless we have a direct revelatory experience, which are becoming more common among us due to all our Love Trusting these days! (It may be helpful to note that our vibrationally dense physical bodies inside this particular dreamtime simply could not withstand the vibration and the frequencies that are aspects of our True Nature. The body would shatter, and we would find ourselves in Lighter Bodies far more at peace and relatively more or, even fully aware, of our True State.)

Because many of us appear to be here (actually we're not really here at all!) living within the split-mind, or veiled state, where our fundamental Unity and Perfection is sometimes veiled from our conscious awareness, it is okay to conduct our lives inside the dreamtime in ways that helps us gently get used to the idea of our fundamental Unity and our True Nature (and where separation, fear, guilt and lack is incomprehensible). For example, if you feel uncomfortable in a particular situation, it is perfectly fine to honor your common sense in how to proceed in any given moment. Engaging in compassionate communication is one way to honor our own feelings and to make others aware of our discomfort while not making anyone wrong or bad. The more we proceed on this awakening path, the more obvious it becomes that all upset and unwillingness to share abundance is fear and guilt-based, whether or not it is consciously recognized, so it becomes far easier to be compassionate toward ourselves and each other, and to unearth the core issues of safety...that is causing the hoarding of resources and unwillingness to trust our brothers and sisters...that is causing the discomfort.

If we, or others, aren't feeling safe enough to engage in compassionate communication and open-hearted sharing, we already know innately how to proceed in any and all cases. As long as our response carries an oscillating vibration of the slightest willingness to Trust Love and kindness, even if we are terrified and quickly leaving a physical scene, we are awakening. Never doubt that the smallest, instantaneous, flashing moment of reaching within your Still Radiant Core, your Heart Space works miracles for healing all of us!

Simply ask your Radiant Heart to remind you that you are eternally safe and abundant inside Love/Source even if you feel uncomfortable in a given dreamtime moment. (Think of Gandhi or Martin Luther King in moments during their physical departure, or Jesus' story. They deeply understood the dreaming state and held to Love under the most dire of dreamtime circumstances.)

The world is packed with miracles by great teachers and our very selves recognizing how beautiful we all are. Bring to your awareness memories when you gave without thought for gain, or when time stood still in bliss for you, or when you felt all was well with the world and in your heart even though you couldn't explain the experience with your mind. Such are powerful moments of feeling into your True State.) Miracles are happening all over the world in all times and in all places each time we admit to Source and to each other that we are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe without holding to old or making up new stories that have someone being wrong or bad.

Here inside the dreamtime it takes a bit to get used to the idea that the idea that bad guys is simply a confusion of Truth. We can look to any number of stories in the world that we still hang to when we get scared. Nonetheless, the Truth remains true. There is only One of us here having a experience of being separate from each other. Giving the receiving are identical because there is only One Self, known or unknown in this moment.

I know I keep saying the same thing over, but i cannot help it! You and I are too exquisite to not repeat the Truth as often as possible until suffering is no more. This information has been shared in all times and in all places. We know it in our heart or we couldn't and wouldn't keep striving for peace and happiness. In Truth, we are Divine Radiance having a dreamtime of not-Peace, of not-Oneness, of Less Than or Better Than, of polarity and opposites. And we are striving to wake up from our wearying nightmares of dissonance and to re-Cognize our Divine Radiance as Holy Creators of Infinite Dreamworlds.

For our every day lives and upsets, sometimes, gentle, non-judgmental silence is as effective as verbal sharing during an upset. Your heart will guide your response to every situation. Whether our heart asks us to assisting within or to gently remove ourselves from drama stories, each of us is holding in our heart space the Divine Radiance that we all are. We already know how to handle each situation in our life perfectly for our own awakening.

It is vital to note here that we need not be concerned with the awakening of another. Ever. All of our "individualized" awakenings are perfect choreographed by our True Self, our True Nature who knows best. None of us know best for another in the Big Awakening Picture. Our mind is simply too veiled here inside the dreamtime to judge anything at all, except to judge us as Innocent Divine Radiance (the Golden Rule) that is fast asleep to Its True Nature. As such, we simply cannot make a mistake. Our Divine Radiance Shines No Matter What, even if we feel we or another is making errors. We simply forgive it easily because there is nothing to forgive at all. Our Still Veiled Mind is still Oscillating Divine Radiance whether or not our safety-fearing/ego-mind believes it in any given moment.

Indeed, as progress in tuning into our Radiance, the easier it becomes to re-Cognize that our choices are always based on how safe we and others feel in any given moment. To adventure with the accuracy of this statement, re-adventure with the exercise at the beginning of this article (or with any practice you prefer) using any circumstance that causes you visceral discomfort. For maximum effect, just be sure to do the full exercise where the feeling of discomfort...while allowed to flow through you unresisted and unbelieved and is allowed to naturally dissipate and be replaced with the Truth of What You Are, which is Divine Radiance (felt as either Stillness or Oscillating Frequency), eternally peaceful and joyful.

Even if sustaining the joyful and peaceful state occurs, at first, for only short periods, it is unspeakably powerful for healing our veiled mind. All that is needed is asking Love (Our True State) to heal our veiled, mistaken mind that temporarily believes that we can be harmed. As we adventure in playful, honoring, empowering ways that uplift everyone, our mind is being enlightened no matter what stories still look to be playing out in the world. We truly have lived our way into Being the Solution rather than perpetuating the illusory problem.

Thank you for your Shining Your Light!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Peace Is, Naturally

Kia Ora friends! That's Kiwi for, "You are glorious oscillating Light!" Er, well, something like that. I'm not sure of the Kiwi expression for, "Can you feel the Perfect Stillness you are behind all the oscillating swirling?," but I'm sure there must be an expression. In any case, never forget that you are Divine Radiance. Never forget that You are Peace and Joy now and forever, whether or not you believe it or feel it in a given moment. It's there! And that's a promise!

I write today because I have an agenda! Ha! (You'll get the funny on that farther down.)

See, there is still a fairly large misconception in our mind about peace and where it comes from. Most any of us intuitively understand when we say, "Peace comes from within." It's probably safe to say that almost all of us feel that, "Gosh, world peace sure would be nice. I'm all for it! Where can I sign up?" And, most folks I know feel pretty sure we're all at least trying to be part of the solution that will bring about lasting peace in the world.

The Grand News! It's true. Peace exists eternally within us. It is a myth that peace is something to be made or achieved. Peace is fact. Peace is beyond and within space-time. Peace is You. Peace is me. Only our free will to choose not peace makes peace look to be something other than real and present. Now.

Peace is inside us always. Eternally present. If the mind objects, ask your favorite Spiritual Master, cause I am not making this stuff up. When we that time to access it, time vanishes. Indeed, time is no where to be found! Peace is the Truth of what we are, and it is naturally seen in the world when we trust we are peace even when we don't feel like peace.

Peace is Us. We are Peace. And, when we are not feelin' the Peace, it is because we are choosing to be what we are not. Holy misunderstanding Batman! It takes only an act of willing surrender and quickly repairs are made within our circuitry!

To get a little more serious (I shy away from being too serious, since over seriousness causes peace forgetting a whole lot! Indeed seriousness causes us to break into pieces!), we have known for ages and as proved even by earthly mind-veiled science, the physical world always a direct reflection of our past deeply felt collective state of mind. Form follows deeply felt thought. Matter is created by our deeply felt focused attention. Fact. Simple, unspeakably but highly noticeably effective, and apparently still quite astonishing for us to fully integrate.

The world is literally a sculpture of our past thoughts. When we look at the world, we are looking at the content of our mind. Literally. A war is a war because it got thought of by an unspeakably powerful mind. Our mind. Exceppin' we forgot we kill only the self. The good news? We cannot be killed. Divine Radiance is eternal.

Our ego/fear-mind loves to grab onto words and blame the other guys or gals or ourselves for the state of the worldly sculpture. No worries. The Truth is always true. We are Divine Radiance. Eternal Divine Radiance (and in peace). There is no other guy or gal, there are only temporary expressions of Divine Radiance having a wild adventure ride of pretending to be separate from Oneness. Oneness, a.k.a. the Unified Source Field/God/Love/Coherent Light is a demonstrable scientific fact. God and the Angels and Master Teachers have shared this knowledge for eons. Only our mind is veiled by our busy, unpeaceful, unbelieving mind. The Truth of Peace hasn't been harmed in any way.

Another fact of Absolute Science, bodies are not real--they are cars, or at Itzak Bentov says, "garages," for the Soul. Our dreamtime sojourning vehicles get traded in when no longer useful for awakening. What animates bodies, our Divine Radiance, gets to drive the car while remembering Itself as Divine Radiance or while Forgetting Itself as Divine Radiance. Either way, we are Divine Radiance. We sojourners are always oscillating between knowing and not knowing our Divine Radiance. Bring to mind those moments when time stood still or when you were overcome with a sense of extreme generosity for no apparent reason. Such experiences are without fear. You just somehow knew that all is well no matter what happened to be going on in the world. Ever wonder why, to be healthy, we need to sleep so frequently? And why we get so messed up inside when we don't? Sleep time is our Divine Radiance Knowing Time. Sleep time is when God and the Angels and all sorts of Beings are helping to remind us that we have pulled the wool over our own eyes, by our own choice. Our awake Self, sometimes called our Higher Self or God in many aspects, are eternally present and willing to help whenever we ask. Our Higher Self will never interfere with our free will to choose to not notice that Peace is. From our deeply sleeping state, asking deeply with our heart for Peace/Love Help causes legions of Divine Helpers to come to our aid.

Peace exists eternally, beyond space-time and also permeating space-time, as our True Self. Peace is. In effect, all we need to do to change the world is to quiet our busy minds, to rest all those silly ideas about who's right and who's wrong. Who's better and brighter, and who is not so much of those things. All we need to do it to let go of our "thought-full agendas" that are not particularly pleasant for everyONE, and let go into Peace...Who will always guide us well and true. Peace is. (If you don't think you have an agenda, reach for the tip of your nose and feel it growing). Rest the goofball mind that tortures itself, then reach like the tallest giraffe reaches for those tasty treetop leafy treats. Reach right inside the Still Leafy Lotus Core of your Heart and let go...for as long as it release whatever silly stories you have convinced yourself are ruining your Peace. Peace is. That peace can be ruined in a lie we told our self in an ancient moment. Ask any Illuminated Spiritual Master.

There is nothing that ruins Peace. Ever. No one is destroying peace. It's impossible to destroy what we are. We are God. We merely mask peace. We merely mask God. (Use whatever word you prefer for "God".) We veil peace by making up agendas and glumly stickin' to 'em way past their usefulness rather than listening to our heart song, which will always guide us well and true to peace right here, right now, even inside the dreamtime.

We can justify our individualized agendas at home, at work, in politics, in education (pick your pony) til the moon lands on earth. The Truth remains always true. Peace is. Love is. All that is not peace and that is not Love is veiling the real. And only you and I can make the choice in a given moment, Truth or misery. Divine Radiance Known. Divine Radiance Unknown.

In peace we always have what we need. There is no striving. There is gentle giving and receiving because we remember that we ARE Divine Radiance and only Divine Radiance, each and every One of us. The Truth of us, our Peace, our Divine Radiance, can never be harmed no matter what happens to the physical body in its state of temporary Peace-amnesia.

There is no you and me that is not equally One. There is no you and me that is not exactly the same. Identical. The you and the me is an optical illusion for playtime that we forgot was playtime. The you and the me is based on an ancient wish to forget who we really are and where we really are.

We can debate til Little Green Men steam us fresh crispy little green beans. The Truth is always true. Peace is. Joy is. They are here now. Within. Forever. By tuning in to our Divine Radiance we quantumly shift reality. Now. As we shift now, we shift forever. The world naturally becomes more peaceful and well guided. All we need to do is to slow down and listen gently within and to each other. Listen for what's really going on within and within what temporarily looks like someone else. Listen for the post-traumatic stress syndrome that everyone inside the dreamtime is feeling, whether or not it is admitted.

The truth is we never left peace. We never left joy. We merely fell asleep for a time. We shut down part of our mind to have an experience of what it would be like to remember ourselves from a state of deep amnesia. Oops! What could you do in this moment to remember you are Divine Radiance and that everyone is? Forgive the old stories. No one has ever died! No one! Death is impossible. How many spiritual teachers need to go through violet death scenarios to demonstrate to us that death is an illusion?

We are the change we wish to see in every moment. This is fact. This dreamtime IS change. It is not eternal, and therefore, it is not real. Choose peace and joy for all. Or choose the opposite. Only one choice is true, and it's a much more wondrous and wild ride than all goopy poop we're telling ourselves that simply ain't accurate.

It is our free will to sleep for as long as we like and to deny the Truth that Peace is. That Joy is.

Our very own mind is veiled to the Truth, and as long as I think my peace is up to you or to me, I am mistaken. Peace is. Joy is. Joy is peace, and it's always available.

You are Coherent Oscillating Divine Light held within the Still Core of Perfect Love's Being.

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