Monday, September 20, 2010

Peace Is, Naturally

Kia Ora friends! That's Kiwi for, "You are glorious oscillating Light!" Er, well, something like that. I'm not sure of the Kiwi expression for, "Can you feel the Perfect Stillness you are behind all the oscillating swirling?," but I'm sure there must be an expression. In any case, never forget that you are Divine Radiance. Never forget that You are Peace and Joy now and forever, whether or not you believe it or feel it in a given moment. It's there! And that's a promise!

I write today because I have an agenda! Ha! (You'll get the funny on that farther down.)

See, there is still a fairly large misconception in our mind about peace and where it comes from. Most any of us intuitively understand when we say, "Peace comes from within." It's probably safe to say that almost all of us feel that, "Gosh, world peace sure would be nice. I'm all for it! Where can I sign up?" And, most folks I know feel pretty sure we're all at least trying to be part of the solution that will bring about lasting peace in the world.

The Grand News! It's true. Peace exists eternally within us. It is a myth that peace is something to be made or achieved. Peace is fact. Peace is beyond and within space-time. Peace is You. Peace is me. Only our free will to choose not peace makes peace look to be something other than real and present. Now.

Peace is inside us always. Eternally present. If the mind objects, ask your favorite Spiritual Master, cause I am not making this stuff up. When we that time to access it, time vanishes. Indeed, time is no where to be found! Peace is the Truth of what we are, and it is naturally seen in the world when we trust we are peace even when we don't feel like peace.

Peace is Us. We are Peace. And, when we are not feelin' the Peace, it is because we are choosing to be what we are not. Holy misunderstanding Batman! It takes only an act of willing surrender and quickly repairs are made within our circuitry!

To get a little more serious (I shy away from being too serious, since over seriousness causes peace forgetting a whole lot! Indeed seriousness causes us to break into pieces!), we have known for ages and as proved even by earthly mind-veiled science, the physical world always a direct reflection of our past deeply felt collective state of mind. Form follows deeply felt thought. Matter is created by our deeply felt focused attention. Fact. Simple, unspeakably but highly noticeably effective, and apparently still quite astonishing for us to fully integrate.

The world is literally a sculpture of our past thoughts. When we look at the world, we are looking at the content of our mind. Literally. A war is a war because it got thought of by an unspeakably powerful mind. Our mind. Exceppin' we forgot we kill only the self. The good news? We cannot be killed. Divine Radiance is eternal.

Our ego/fear-mind loves to grab onto words and blame the other guys or gals or ourselves for the state of the worldly sculpture. No worries. The Truth is always true. We are Divine Radiance. Eternal Divine Radiance (and in peace). There is no other guy or gal, there are only temporary expressions of Divine Radiance having a wild adventure ride of pretending to be separate from Oneness. Oneness, a.k.a. the Unified Source Field/God/Love/Coherent Light is a demonstrable scientific fact. God and the Angels and Master Teachers have shared this knowledge for eons. Only our mind is veiled by our busy, unpeaceful, unbelieving mind. The Truth of Peace hasn't been harmed in any way.

Another fact of Absolute Science, bodies are not real--they are cars, or at Itzak Bentov says, "garages," for the Soul. Our dreamtime sojourning vehicles get traded in when no longer useful for awakening. What animates bodies, our Divine Radiance, gets to drive the car while remembering Itself as Divine Radiance or while Forgetting Itself as Divine Radiance. Either way, we are Divine Radiance. We sojourners are always oscillating between knowing and not knowing our Divine Radiance. Bring to mind those moments when time stood still or when you were overcome with a sense of extreme generosity for no apparent reason. Such experiences are without fear. You just somehow knew that all is well no matter what happened to be going on in the world. Ever wonder why, to be healthy, we need to sleep so frequently? And why we get so messed up inside when we don't? Sleep time is our Divine Radiance Knowing Time. Sleep time is when God and the Angels and all sorts of Beings are helping to remind us that we have pulled the wool over our own eyes, by our own choice. Our awake Self, sometimes called our Higher Self or God in many aspects, are eternally present and willing to help whenever we ask. Our Higher Self will never interfere with our free will to choose to not notice that Peace is. From our deeply sleeping state, asking deeply with our heart for Peace/Love Help causes legions of Divine Helpers to come to our aid.

Peace exists eternally, beyond space-time and also permeating space-time, as our True Self. Peace is. In effect, all we need to do to change the world is to quiet our busy minds, to rest all those silly ideas about who's right and who's wrong. Who's better and brighter, and who is not so much of those things. All we need to do it to let go of our "thought-full agendas" that are not particularly pleasant for everyONE, and let go into Peace...Who will always guide us well and true. Peace is. (If you don't think you have an agenda, reach for the tip of your nose and feel it growing). Rest the goofball mind that tortures itself, then reach like the tallest giraffe reaches for those tasty treetop leafy treats. Reach right inside the Still Leafy Lotus Core of your Heart and let go...for as long as it release whatever silly stories you have convinced yourself are ruining your Peace. Peace is. That peace can be ruined in a lie we told our self in an ancient moment. Ask any Illuminated Spiritual Master.

There is nothing that ruins Peace. Ever. No one is destroying peace. It's impossible to destroy what we are. We are God. We merely mask peace. We merely mask God. (Use whatever word you prefer for "God".) We veil peace by making up agendas and glumly stickin' to 'em way past their usefulness rather than listening to our heart song, which will always guide us well and true to peace right here, right now, even inside the dreamtime.

We can justify our individualized agendas at home, at work, in politics, in education (pick your pony) til the moon lands on earth. The Truth remains always true. Peace is. Love is. All that is not peace and that is not Love is veiling the real. And only you and I can make the choice in a given moment, Truth or misery. Divine Radiance Known. Divine Radiance Unknown.

In peace we always have what we need. There is no striving. There is gentle giving and receiving because we remember that we ARE Divine Radiance and only Divine Radiance, each and every One of us. The Truth of us, our Peace, our Divine Radiance, can never be harmed no matter what happens to the physical body in its state of temporary Peace-amnesia.

There is no you and me that is not equally One. There is no you and me that is not exactly the same. Identical. The you and the me is an optical illusion for playtime that we forgot was playtime. The you and the me is based on an ancient wish to forget who we really are and where we really are.

We can debate til Little Green Men steam us fresh crispy little green beans. The Truth is always true. Peace is. Joy is. They are here now. Within. Forever. By tuning in to our Divine Radiance we quantumly shift reality. Now. As we shift now, we shift forever. The world naturally becomes more peaceful and well guided. All we need to do is to slow down and listen gently within and to each other. Listen for what's really going on within and within what temporarily looks like someone else. Listen for the post-traumatic stress syndrome that everyone inside the dreamtime is feeling, whether or not it is admitted.

The truth is we never left peace. We never left joy. We merely fell asleep for a time. We shut down part of our mind to have an experience of what it would be like to remember ourselves from a state of deep amnesia. Oops! What could you do in this moment to remember you are Divine Radiance and that everyone is? Forgive the old stories. No one has ever died! No one! Death is impossible. How many spiritual teachers need to go through violet death scenarios to demonstrate to us that death is an illusion?

We are the change we wish to see in every moment. This is fact. This dreamtime IS change. It is not eternal, and therefore, it is not real. Choose peace and joy for all. Or choose the opposite. Only one choice is true, and it's a much more wondrous and wild ride than all goopy poop we're telling ourselves that simply ain't accurate.

It is our free will to sleep for as long as we like and to deny the Truth that Peace is. That Joy is.

Our very own mind is veiled to the Truth, and as long as I think my peace is up to you or to me, I am mistaken. Peace is. Joy is. Joy is peace, and it's always available.

You are Coherent Oscillating Divine Light held within the Still Core of Perfect Love's Being.

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